Thursday, December 29, 2011

I dream of old-school war…and I mean REAL old.

I had a dream yesterday that I was fighting in the war, and one of the battles was in an airport…. but we were fighting with old school weapons, like swords and shields and bows and arrows… and in one scene we had to go up a ramp but there were enemy archers firing at us, so we had to use our shields in a phalanx formation to fend off the arrows…. and after the barrage of arrows was done, we moved forward in full force and attacked the enemy with no mercy. When I got to my last kill, the last enemy soldier on the battlefield, he was a young black man and seemed very scared, so instead of killing him I put him in a choke hold and explained to him that I wasn't gonna kill him but he would pass out and he could go home to his family after this was all over. So after that we won the war and it was declared over and we could all go home. Everyone was celebrating, and we all went down the ramp to the exit of the airport. I went through the doors but my family wasn't there, so I kept on walking…after a while I realized that I had left my stuff inside the airport near the battlefield, so I ran back inside and went all the way up to the TSA terminal and explained to them my situation. They said I could go look for it but when I came back I had to leave it with them to examine it thoroughly before they could release it to me. So I said ok, but then I woke up.

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