Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gotta get at least one more entry in before the year ends...

WOW it's been a while since I last wrote anything in here. Sorry bout that, got caught up in the problems of this physical plane… and I also slipped into this deep depression that I am still fighting off to this day (it comes on and off every now and then). Anyway, I've been in a total disconnect with my spiritual side, and it's kinda bugging me as of late, so I picked up a copy of

Mastering Astral Projection last week and I'm going to use that as my platform to get back into the spiritual side of things…. I figure once I perfect astral projection and am able to go anywhere and learn anything, I will be much more connected to the spiritual side of life and I'll be more equipped to deal with the problems of this physical existence.   I am still aiming to create a political ideology of some sort that successfully combines spirituality with concepts from this physical plane in order to form a more perfect world…it's a long shot, I know, but I figure it's still worth a try, eh? I'm also going to be trying out the Ganzfeld Experiment at some point, so I'll let you all know how that goes as well. Anyway, with this year coming to a close, it's important for me to note that a lot has happened and many things have changed in my life this year, some for the worse and some for the better… but as they say, everything happens for a reason, and there are a lot of awesome people I am good friends with today whom I probably never would have crossed paths with had some of the darker times in my life never happened this year. It's a little cliché of me to say, but I wouldn't change any of it for the world. So here's to a roller coaster year of growth and development…. and here's looking to a new year, the year that will change EVERYTHING. 2012, here I come…..

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