Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dream 29July2012

I don't really remember everything, but this is what I can recall right now: I was in this dream with these three people that I supposedly know, and we were all working for this one rich dude at his house. At one point all but one of us decides to leave and walk around town for a bit. We end up walking past the house sometime during our walk, and the other dude who stayed behind said something to us about the rich dude, and we all laughed at him and said something like "You actually believe that you're really working for him?" He didn't respond, though. We kept walking around town some more, but that's all that I can remember.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Weird Dream.

I was with this guy who was my best friend in the dream (I don't actually know him in real life), and we were with these 3 other guys and 2 girls. We were in this hotel and a lot of things were happening. The part I remember is that my best friend was like going out with one of the girls, but then they had some sort of disagreement so they went their separate ways for a while, and during that time the other girl swooped in and tried to go out with my best friend, but he wasn't having it. So the first girl was up in her hotel room, and the second girl left. Me and the guys were walking around the place and we got to the actual hotel grounds and discovered that there was this alien artifact thing in the middle of the field that would freeze anyone who touched it if they didn't know how to control it. One of our friends knew how to control it, and there was this huge alien thing about to chase after us so we were running around trying to avoid it while at the same time trying to grab the artifact. Eventually our friend grabbed the artifact and threw it away from us, in the direction of the alien thing. It got distracted by it and touched it, which caused it to start freezing. As it was freezing, we all ran into the hotel building and went into the elevator.

As we were going up the elevator, I checked my Facebook and saw that my sister had uploaded a bunch of new pics from the party that she was at. A lot of them were the kind of pictures a big brother never wants to see coming from his little sister, so I just put my phone away. When we got up to the girl's room, she joined us and we were going back down the elevator and talking about a bunch of stuff, and she said something about not wanting to go out with my best friend for now, so that he could spend more time with his REAL girlfriend, and she was referring to me. He and I were objecting to it but she kept joking around about it and eventually our friends all joined her. And then I woke up.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

In the midst of having family problems, I dreamt of my family last night.

So I just woke up from a 12 hour sleeping session, and I had all sorts of dreams last night but the only one I can remember now is the most recent one that I had before I finally woke up. I was walking around with my uncle (who isn't really my uncle in real life and I have no idea who he is) in like this foresty area and we were looking for some sort of hidden treasure or something like that. So we go through all these trails in the woods and find nothing, so we go back up to the main open area. Later on we meet up with my family and somehow we all decide to go looking for this thing together, so we hop in the car and drive all the way over to the area where we can park and get out and explore on foot. On the way there, my uncle gives us these weird glowing lollipop looking things that he says will change color from green to pink when we're close to the treasure. I immediately start eating it on the way over there. After some driving, we come across traffic, and we later find out that it is caused by a checkpoint. So we get all nervous for some reason that we might get stopped, but we end up being able to drive throughout he checkpoint with no problems. We continue driving for a while after that, and I am keeping my eyes on the road to let them know when we're close to the parking area (somehow I remember where it is, perhaps from a previous dream?). We keep driving, and eventually we pass by the parking area and I tell them that if we don't see a parking area real soon then we just passed the place we were supposed to park at. So we keep driving but never see a parking area, but we keep driving anyway and eventually find one and park there. I tell them that it's going to be so much longer of a walk to find the hiking area now that we're so far away, but they all seem to be ok with that. So we start the long trek over to the hidden trails where we need to go to find the treasure, and after a while we get to the right place and set off on the trails. I wake up before we're able to find anything.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Another prison-related dream? Wtf?

So last night I dreamt about something that was loosely related to prison. I was with this group of people planning out a resistance movement and it was in the same general area of the prison that was in my previous two dreams. So anyway, the group goes ahead to organize something while I stand guard outside our vehicle, and then all of a sudden, this guard spots me and tries to chase me down, so I start running away from him, but then in my attempts to run away, I end up running straight into this building where a lot more guards are. They all surround me and try to capture me, but I pull out all the stops and use all my might to break free of their grasp. I break free once, but after a few second they grab hold of me again and I am too tired to fight any longer, so they end up capturing me. They take me to the edge of the building before the steps going down and just hold me there for a while. After a few moments, they just let me go and tell me nothing. So I am thinking that I'm a free man already and that I got off scott free, but as I re-enter the building, I'm walking around and I see this girl that I know in the dream. She's wearing navy dress whites and I approach her to try and talk to her, but she just looks the other way, kinda trying to say something like "don't talk to me, I don't ever want to see you again" or something like that. So I just go up to her and say something like "I just wanted to apologize, ok?" So then she looks in my direction and says "ok go." And then I proceed to apologize for the way I've been acting, how I've been resisting authority and embarrassing her basically…and some guy comes up in the open stage-like area next to us, and starts talking and singing or something, and she looks over and says "oh my god is that the Navigators?!?" And I look over and say "the Wayseers you mean?" And she says "Oh yeah, that." So after this distraction I then I tell her how happy I am that nothing bad is gonna happen to me and how they just let me go. That's when she looks at her friend and they whisper something to each other and then she looks at me and tells me that she thinks they're still going to come get me and put me in restraints to take me away somewhere. I ask what's next after that but she doesn't answer and instead changes the subject with her friend and starts talking about navy sweats (the PT gear). I start walking away, and before I can get to the front door to leave the building, I wake up.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dreaming of going to prison...

So last night I dreamt that I had to go away to prison….odd. I was in a van with my dad and some other dudes, two others were going to prison as well and another dude was an escort…and inside the van there were a lot of food from Saipan that I had to try to finish before we got to prison, so I was trying to do just that as soon as possible. Apparently someone was filming the whole thing, but the dude sitting in the row behind me didn't want to be seen on camera so he got upset and said in a rude way not to film him. Anyway, we got to the prison complex, but my dad didn't want to part with me quite yet so we took a detour and went to the beach instead after they dropped off the other guys. So he let me down at the beach and told me to walk around for a while. As I walked around on the beach I was trying to open this piece of paper that supposedly had this message for me which was written by someone 10,000 years ago but it was written specifically for me. It was taking me forever, so my admission into the prison was delayed for a while. Finally I got to my dad again and as he was trying to arrange my entry I was on my iPhone trying to get a hold of someone on Facebook to get them to announce on my page that I would be going on a year-long break from Facebook in order to focus on school and political activism for a while. The attendant at the window was saying that because I got there so late they had nowhere I could stay the night, so I would probably have to go back home for the night and then just come back tomorrow. She was just waiting on word from her boss if she could let us do that. I woke up before we got the final word that I could go home for the night.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Prison Break.

So last night my dream was all over the place and only one person I know personally was in it, and two famous people were in it. Anyway, the dream starts out with me in prison with my friend Ivy, and I promise her that I'm going to get us out of there…she's hesitant at first, but I convince her that we have to get out or we'll get killed because they're slowly killing us off in there. So anyway, the big day comes and we break out of prison, and we're running far, far away, but then somehow I look around and realize that we're suddenly running around on my home island of Saipan….(of course this doesn't strike me as weird enough in my dream for me to partially wake up into a lucid dream, unfortunately) so she points at this building in the distance which I recognize to be Aquarius Beach Tower, and she tells me that her boyfriend knows about our prison break and that he's waiting for her in there. So we go ahead and head on toward the hotel, and along the way we pass by this touristy area and there's a stage of sorts in it, and a decent crowd is gathered and out of the crowd I spot who I think is Stefan from Dada Life. I pass it off at first and think to myself that there's no way it could be him because he would never be on Saipan…. but then as we keep on walking, I keep looking at the area and suddenly realize that it really IS him, and Olle is there too so the whole Dada Life is there, and I start to get real excited and I tell Ivy that we need to stop for a while because my favorite DJs are right there and I need to stop and talk to them. Ivy says she's in a hurry to get to her boyfriend because he'll start to worry if she takes too long to get to him, so she goes on ahead without me. I go down into the stage area where everyone is gathered and stumble upon a bunch of people wearing Digi10ve shirts and holding Digi10ve stickers and they're all shooting the shit with Stefan. I say what's up to Stefan and start talking to him and the other people who are wearing Digi10ve shirts. A few minutes into my conversation, I wake up.

I dream of old-school war…and I mean REAL old.

I had a dream yesterday that I was fighting in the war, and one of the battles was in an airport…. but we were fighting with old school weapons, like swords and shields and bows and arrows… and in one scene we had to go up a ramp but there were enemy archers firing at us, so we had to use our shields in a phalanx formation to fend off the arrows…. and after the barrage of arrows was done, we moved forward in full force and attacked the enemy with no mercy. When I got to my last kill, the last enemy soldier on the battlefield, he was a young black man and seemed very scared, so instead of killing him I put him in a choke hold and explained to him that I wasn't gonna kill him but he would pass out and he could go home to his family after this was all over. So after that we won the war and it was declared over and we could all go home. Everyone was celebrating, and we all went down the ramp to the exit of the airport. I went through the doors but my family wasn't there, so I kept on walking…after a while I realized that I had left my stuff inside the airport near the battlefield, so I ran back inside and went all the way up to the TSA terminal and explained to them my situation. They said I could go look for it but when I came back I had to leave it with them to examine it thoroughly before they could release it to me. So I said ok, but then I woke up.