Sunday, January 8, 2012

In the midst of having family problems, I dreamt of my family last night.

So I just woke up from a 12 hour sleeping session, and I had all sorts of dreams last night but the only one I can remember now is the most recent one that I had before I finally woke up. I was walking around with my uncle (who isn't really my uncle in real life and I have no idea who he is) in like this foresty area and we were looking for some sort of hidden treasure or something like that. So we go through all these trails in the woods and find nothing, so we go back up to the main open area. Later on we meet up with my family and somehow we all decide to go looking for this thing together, so we hop in the car and drive all the way over to the area where we can park and get out and explore on foot. On the way there, my uncle gives us these weird glowing lollipop looking things that he says will change color from green to pink when we're close to the treasure. I immediately start eating it on the way over there. After some driving, we come across traffic, and we later find out that it is caused by a checkpoint. So we get all nervous for some reason that we might get stopped, but we end up being able to drive throughout he checkpoint with no problems. We continue driving for a while after that, and I am keeping my eyes on the road to let them know when we're close to the parking area (somehow I remember where it is, perhaps from a previous dream?). We keep driving, and eventually we pass by the parking area and I tell them that if we don't see a parking area real soon then we just passed the place we were supposed to park at. So we keep driving but never see a parking area, but we keep driving anyway and eventually find one and park there. I tell them that it's going to be so much longer of a walk to find the hiking area now that we're so far away, but they all seem to be ok with that. So we start the long trek over to the hidden trails where we need to go to find the treasure, and after a while we get to the right place and set off on the trails. I wake up before we're able to find anything.

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