So this was my birthday weekend, and it was full of partying and getting drunk and the like, but I'd have to say that something very significant did come out of it all. Friday night was the first party; my best friend Bobby took me to one of his friends' places and we had a little party.... it was all fun and games until the drama unfolded and hurtful things were said between Bobby and his girlfriend... So anyway the point I'm trying to get at here is that after that night I finally understand what Bobby's role in my life is, and why he's here as my best friend now. That night he was in tears as he spilled out his whole life story; and most parts of it eerily mirrored parts of my own life and my troubled childhood and adolescence. After talking to him and listening to his story, it finally dawned on me (I had always believed in it before, but this just confirmed it without a doubt) that everything in life really does happen for a reason. I had lived a very emotionally troubled childhood and adolescence and I had weathered the great storm that was that part of my life so that on that day, when Bobby spilt his life out to me, I would be able to immediately make a connection on an emotional and spiritual level.... It all came together, like the pieces of a puzzle had suddenly just been put together to form the big picture right in front of my eyes. I finally understand now. And I know what I must do.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
More EVPs from our second Ouija session.....
So I finally mustered up the courage to go over the rest of the audio from our second Ouija session... or rather, I finally got off my lazy ass and made the time to do so... I could have just as easily done it in the past couple of days, but I have been too lazy to. I have an hour of footage to review in the second session, and about 50 minutes on the first session so it'll take a while.... a very long while. So far I'm about 15 minutes into the second session and I have already caught 7 more EVPs, in addition to that very first one that I found. The first one that I found today caught me by surprise more than the original one that I found; it said "It's too fuckin' hot!" Or at least that's what me and Dylan think it's saying. You be the judge. Well after I post the file. I will post them all up as soon as I finish analyzing the audio track.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Ouija Board experience #2
So later that night we decided to go another round of Ouija boarding, and the following is what we got.
DN: Is there anyone present in the room?
(no movement)
DN: Is there anyone here that wants to talk with us?
(no movement)
DN: If there is anyone here in the room, please let us know.
(no movement)
DH: Is there anyone among us?
(no movement)
K: [clicking sound is heard on video] Is there anyone here with us?
(no movement) [after a few moments of silence, Denyale turns the lights on]
DN: Maybe they don't like the dark. I'm serious, I heard that once.
K: Is there anyone here with us?
(no movement) [after more silence, I move away from the board and turn the lights off while Dylan and Denyale try the board on their own]
DN: Is it past your bedtime?
(no movement)
DN: We just wanna communicate with you. Just let us know if you're in the room.
(no movement) [after more silence, I switch places with Dylan]
K: Is there anyone here with us?
(no movement)
DN: We're trying to use this board to communicate with you.
(no movement)
K: What is your name?
(no movement)
DN: Would you like to speak with us tonight?
(no movement)
K: Is there anyone in the room that you do not want to speak to?
NO [Dylan returns to the board]
DN: How many people are in the room with us?
DN: Do we know any of you?
DN: Would any of you like to talk to a specific one of us?
K: Which one of us would you like to talk to?
K: What is your name?
K: Are you pointing to O?
K: What letter comes after J?
K: Were you pointing to N?
K: What is your name?
K: How old are you?
K: Are you 6 years old?
K: Where are you from?
K: What message do you have for me?
K: Can you repeat that please?
(at 15:04 on the video, "Jesus" and "oh my God" was heard and sounded like two separate voices [EVP]) KAH
K: What message do you have for me?
K: Are you 6 years old?
K: Do you have a message for any of us?
K: What are you here to tell us?
K: Are those initials of someone?
K: Can you tell us what KAG means?
K: Do you prefer the light being off?
K: Are you scared?
K: Is my spirit guide present?
K: Are any of our spirit guides present?
K: Whose spirit guide is present with us?
K: Is Dylan's spirit guide here with us?
K: Are we currently speaking to Dylan's spirit guide?
K: May we speak to Dylan's spirit guide?
K: What is the name of the person we are speaking to right now?
DH: Is there a message that you have for me?
DH: Can you tell me what it is?
DH: Is it hold interest?
DH: Can you tell me what I need to hold interest in?
DH: Is that someone's initials?
DH: Is it a person?
DH: Can you give me their initials?
DH: Is there anything specific I need to know about this person?
DH: Can you tell me what that is?
DH: Can you repeat that?
DH: Can you clarify what specific thing about this person that I need to know?
DH: They're a good person?
DH: Do I know this person?
DH: Will I meet this person soon?
DH: Can you tell me where I'll meet this person?
DH: Can you tell me what lake?
DN: What lake in Yakima?
DH: Does that mean Makam?
DH: Can you clarify which lake?
DH: Can you tell me which lake in Yakima?
DN: Do you mean Clearlake?
DH: Is Clearlake significant to all three of us?
DH: Is it just significant for me?
DH: Who will I go there with?
DH: Can you repeat that?
DH: Do you mean Nash?
DH: When will we go there?
DH: Do you know what day in March?
2 "NO"
DH: Can you repeat it?
DH: March 13th?
DH: Is there anything important about that date?
DH: What's the significance of March 13th?
DH: Majesty?
DH: Can you clarify what the significance of March 13 is?
DH: Are you still with us?
DH: Can you tell me what Majesty means?
DH: Does Majesty have to do with a movie theater?
DH: I'm gonna meet this person at a movie theater?
DH: Can you tell me again the name of the person I'm supposed to meet?
(no movement)
DH: Can you tell me who I'm supposed to meet?
(no movement)
DH: Are you still with us?
DH: Do you not know the name of the person I'm supposed to meet?
DH: You do know the name of the person?
DN: Is she a friend of mine?
DN: Which one?
DN: Can you tell us again?
DN: Are those initials?
DN: What else would you like to tell us while you're with us?
DN: What comes after U?
DN: Make good what?
DN: Are you trying to spell judgement?
DN: Make good judgement? On what?
DN: Make good judgement on he?
DN: Who is he?
DN: Make good judgement on Joe?
DN: What's the first letter of Joe's last name?
(no movement)
DN: Did you mean M for the last name?
DN: Do we know this person?
DN: How do we know this person? How do we know Joe?
(no movement)
DN: Are you still here?
(no movement)
DN: Are we still speaking with Kim?
DN: Kim, how many people are in this room with you?
DN: Can you call Radio's spirit guide?
DN: Are they here?
DN: Do I have a spirit guide here?
DN: What's the name of my spirit guide that's with me?
DN: What comes after D?
DN: What next?
DN: Is there another letter after E?
(no movement)
DN: Do I know my spirit guide?
DN: Was I close with my spirit guide?
DN: How long has this person been my spirit guide?
DN: 4 what?
DN: Not 4? How long?
DN: Is that the last letter of the spirit guide's name?
DN: Is this spirit guide a relative of mine?
DN: If the spirit guide could give me one word, what would it be, so that I know who it is?
DN: Do you mean FJ?
DN: How do I know who my spirit guide is?
DN: Fish?
DN: What's the first letter of my spirit guide's first name?
DN: Did you mean F?
DN: Can you try again?
DN: Is my spirit guide proud of me?
DN: Is there anything that my spirit guide would like to say to my mother?
DN: Good job?
DN: Good job for what?
DN: What comes after D?
(no movement)
DN: Good job grand? Is that what you meant to say?
(no movement)
DN: Can my spirit guide tell me what caused you to leave this earth?
DN: I don't know what you're trying to tell us... can you be more specific?
DN: Bind lakah? Is that what you're trying to say?
DN: Are we still speaking with my spirit guide?
DN: To prove you are who I think you are, can you tell me what your cat's name was? Your black, fat cat?
DN: Do you have your glasses on?
DN: Did you mean Toby?
YES [Dylan gets up to blow his nose]
DN: Can I call you Grandpa?
YES [Dylan returns to the table]
DN: What do you miss most, Grandpa?
DN: What comes after G, Grandpa?
DN: GO where?
(no movement)
DN: You have to go?
DN: Will you be back?
YES [we took a short break at this point to laugh and reflect upon what had just happened with the grandpa and the glasses... at this point I suddenly felt my whole body warm up, a sudden rush of warmth came through me and stayed that way for a while.... neither of them were feeling the warmth though. At this point, I took mediumship again, and just before I asked my question, the sound of a sigh or "hahhh" is heard on the video (EVP), as if it had been right in front of my computer, at 57:40]
K: Is there anyone here that would like to speak to me?
(no movement)
K: Is there anyone here that would like to speak to us?
(no movement) [possible EVP at 58:10]
K: Is there anyone here?
K: Is there anyone around?
K: Would you like to speak with us?
K: Is there anyone else around?
(no movement)
DN: Would you like to speak with us maybe tomorrow?
K: Thank you to all the spirits that were present in this session tonight, thank you for the messages that you presented to us. We ask that you come again when we need to speak with you.
I am currently still trying to edit the audio files from both sessions to find out if there are more EVPs... I will post more clips as soon as I can get them ready. Let me know what you think!
Here is the first one, I put two files on for comparison purposes. This first one I included some of the surrounding audio so that you could easily tell where the EVP was.
EVP with my voice
This next file is just the EVP itself, amplified so that it is clearer and louder.
EVP, isolated and amplified
Ouija Board experiences...
So Den, Dylan, and I took our group occult experiences even further tonight by using a Ouija board. I did the protection ritual first (the one that I had posted in the previous blog entry), and then we proceeded to using the board. The first time, it didn't take long for us to get a response, and the first name that we got was Yezai... at first he said that he was there to talk to me, but then he started saying something about Yakima and a lake, so Dylan and I looked over at Den and she shrugged cuz she said he was supposed to be talking to me... so anyway, we eventually found out that there were 5 spirits around initially, and then later on when the answers were getting garbled up again we asked how many there were and there were only 4 left. Eventually we ended up getting word from Dylan's spirit guide, Kim, and she got some stuff out before the session ended. The video for this session will be posted as soon as I have a chance to look through and analyze the footage tomorrow.
The odd thing about this first session that we noted after it was all over, was when Dylan's phone rang, he got up and went outside to answer it, but the first time he picked up it was all static-y and he couldn't hear anything.... so he hung up, and then when Lance (our friend who had called him) tried to call him back, it was busy (even though Dylan wasn't using his phone at the time). Another weird instance was the whole Yakima thing, because the whole time Den was thinking that it might have been her Grandpa trying to talk to her.... and she and her mom are usually very connected when it comes to that stuff, so she called her mom up to ask if she had been thinking about her grandfather at all lately, and her mother had said that he was on her mind all day.... and it had started about an hour or so ago (when we had begun the sitting).
Weird coincidences? I think not. But you decide. After reviewing the video for this first session, I found multiple times in the video where there was a rapid clicking noise, such as the sound of keys being pressed on the keyboard... I don't think the sound could have come from an application on my computer, though, because I had muted the system volume.... the clicking sound remains a mystery for now, until I look into it more. It's probably just random sounds or something but you never know, right?
SO anyway, without further ado, here is the transcript of our session. Let me know if you know anything about it or can tell us anything or give us some suggestions for clearer contact...
K: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak with us?
K: Thank you. What is your name?
[clicking noise is heard in video repeatedly three times]
K: Can you tell us your name?
K: Is your name Yezai?
K: Where are you from?
K: Are you from Larg?
(no movement)
K: How old are you?
K: Are you 70 years old?
K: Are you here to tell a particular person at this table anything?
K: What are the initials of the person you wish to communicate with?
KJ [clicking noise is once again heard on video]
K: Do you wish to tell me something?
K: What is your message for me?
K: Can you repeat that please?
K: Lake? What about the lake?
K: What can you tell us about the lake in Yakima?
K: Kia? Can you repeat that please?
K: Kin? Were you trying to tell us "Kin"?
K: What do you want to tell us about Kin?
K: Ka...Can you repeat that please?
K: Who is speaking to us right now?
K: How many people are here?
K: Is Denyale's grandpa here?
(no movement)
K: Is there anyone here for Denyale?
K: What is the name of the person who wishes to speak to Denyale?
K: Can you repeat that please?
[Dylan steps out to answer his phone] YE
K: Can you spell your last name for us please?
MAMIJ [slight clicking noise is heard on video again]
K: Is your last name Mamij?
K: Has Denyale met you before?
K: What is your message for Denyale?
K: Are you trying to tell Denyale that she needs to go home to Yakima?
K: Why does Denyale need to go home to Yakima?
K: Who does she need to remember?
KI [Dylan returns to the table]
K: Are you trying to tell Denyale about her mother Kimberly?
K: What about her mother?
K: Are we speaking to Yezai again?
(no movement)
K: Who are we speaking to?
K: Is your name Mah?
(no movement)
K: Are MAH your initials?
K: Who are you here to speak to?
K: Can you repeat that please? Who are you here to speak to?
K: What's after the I?
K: KIm? What about Kim?
K: Can you clarify your message for us please?
MI [three rapid clicking noises are heard on the video]
K: Who are we speaking to?
K: Is your name Khi?
NO [clicking sound heard on video again]
K: Are KHI your initials?
K: Can you spell out your name for us please?
K: Do you like us?
YES [clicking noises are heard on video again, as if someone is typing]
K: Do you have a message for one of us?
K: Who is this message for?
K: What can you tell us about the lake in Yakima?
K: Is LCG a person?
NO [Dylan leaves the table and returns after a few seconds]
K: What is LCG?
K: We can't understand. Can you please make your messages clearer for us?
K: What do we need to know?
K: I Luke you? How old are you?
K: Are you 23?
NO [movement of the planchette suddenly gets faster from here]
K: How old are you?
K: Are you 3 years old?
K: Are you a boy?
K: Do you stay here in this house?
K: Where do you stay?
K: Can we speak to somebody else?
K: Who is speaking to us now?
K: Is that your name?
K: Can you tell us your name please?
K: Is there something that we can help you with?
K: Is there something that you need to tell us?
K: Why are you here?
K: How many people are here now?
K: Do any of you stay in this house?
K: Do any of you visit this house often?
K: What is the name of the person that visits often?
K: Are we speaking to Kim right now?
K: Do you know who Dylan is, Kim?
K: Are you Dylan's spirit guide?
K: What is your message for Dylan?
K: Did you mean to spell out HQIE?
K: Can you please show us what you meant to spell out?
K: Hold? Hold what?
K: Hold interest in what?
K: Did you mean to spell out IDELE?
K: Can you please spell out what you meant to tell us?
[clicking noise is heard on video again] IDLA [clicking noise again] J
K: Did you mean to spell out IDLAJ?
K: Are you upset that we cannot understand what you're trying to tell us?
K: What does Dylan need to hold interest in?
K: Can you finish spelling the word please?
(no movement)
K: Is Kim still with us right now?
(no movement)
K: Is anyone still with us?
(no movement)
K: Thank you for your presence, we will try again later. Goodbye.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Ouija Board Protection Ritual.
The following is an article that i found online about how to properly protect yourself when using a Ouija Board, and I thought that I would share it with you all, whoever is interested in using it.
This article may be reproduced and distributed, in its original and unmodified form, with the copyright notice upon it.
This posting is being offered since there have been so many complaints and fears expressed about the ouija board.
The ouija board is simply compressed wood and a plastic planchet. However, when used to contact spirits, it becomes a magickal tool. It opens a doorway to the spiritual realms.
In the world of magick, the art of causing change in accordance with the will, magicians use ritual to set up protection, when they scry in a black mirror to receive visions. The ouija is no different. The ouija opens a doorway. This doorway should be both opened and closed during ritual. If you are unwilling to do this, and to protect yourself, you should not play with the ouija. It is not a toy. Provided below are some elements of a protective ritual. I urge you to research magickal rituals to protect yourself.
This is the ritual of the cabalistic cross, without the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram. It provides you with the protection of four archangels, in the four directions. Stand before your altar or table, which should be facing east if possible, where the sun rises. The ouija board and one new white candle, should be upon the altar. Turn out all the electric lights, and light the candle.
Point straight above you towards the ceiling, with your right hand and forefinger extended. Touch your brow between your eyes, with your right forefinger, and say:
You are.
Point towards the ground and say:
this universe.
Touch your left shoulder and say:
the power.
Touch your right shoulder and say:
and the glory.
Place your palms together over your chest, as in prayer and say:
forever, amen.
Now extend your right hand with forefinger extended straight ahead. These should remain extended, throughout this portion of the ritual. Drop your left hand to your side. Draw a small clockwise circle about six inches in diameter, with your right forefinger extended. Say:
In the east Raphael (rah fay el).
Turn right and clockwise 90 degrees facing south. Draw another clockwise circle with your right forefinger. Say
In the south Michael (me chai el).
Turn right and clockwise 90 degree facing west. Say:
In the west Gabriel (gahb ree el).
Turn right and clockwise 90 degrees facing north. Say:
In the north Uriel (oar ree el).
Turn right and clockwise 90 degrees facing east where you began.
Raise both hands and arms above your head with palms open and facing forward. Your hands and arms should form a capital Y.
Before me Raphael.
Behind me Gabriel.
On my right hand Michael.
On my left hand Uriel.
Around me shine the circles, and above me shines the light of power.
Turn right and clockwise 180 degrees. Your hands should remain above your head. Say:
I send from this place all intruding forces. They shall go far away, and be powerless to interfere with this ritual.
Turn right and clockwise 180 degrees facing east, where you began. Drop your hands to your sides. You have now cleaned up you ritual space, and can now begin working with the ouija board.
Say something such as:
This ritual is performed for the purpose of obtaining secret knowledge.
Using your right forefinger, draw in the air above the ouija board three clockwise spirals. Imagine the board being filled with white light. Say:
Selene of the starry night, fill this vessel with thy light.
You may now do your ouija board experiments.
When you are finished say:
I give thanks to thee, shining goddess Selene, for helping me to fulfill this ritual.
With your right forefinger extended, draw an equal armed cross directly on the surface of the ouija board, from top to bottom and from left to right. Draw a clockwise circle around the cross. Imagine the cross, enclosed within the circle, glowing in white light. Say:
Selene of the starry night, seal this vessel with thy light.
Note that we use the name of the goddess Selene, as she is the goddess of the moon who governs scrying. This may be modified using another god or goddess name, one who governs scrying.
Again, perform the first part of the cabalistic cross. Point above you, with your right hand and forefinger extended. Touch your brow between your eyes and say:
You are.
Point towards the ground and say:
this universe.
Touch your left shoulder and say:
the power.
Touch your right shoulder and say:
and the glory.
Place your palms together over your chest, as in prayer and say:
forever, amen.
This ritual for the purpose of scrying has now ended.
I invite all gods, goddesses, and spiritual beings to depart, back to your abodes and habitations, causing neither harm nor danger to humans nor beasts. Go in peace, and fare thee well all.
Extinguish the candle.
Wrap your ouija in a clean cotton or linen cloth, and store it in a secret place, to allow only your vibrations to remain on it. If you use a group of people in working with ouija, you may motify this ritual, to include them.
I hope this ritual will provide the ouija user with a model for future,
safe ouija use.
So there you go, your very own Ouija Board Protection Ritual. You should always protect yourself and take all possible precautionary measures if you are looking at using a Ouija Board.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Reading for Shar
Ok so my friend Sharmaine came to me all distraught with her situation with her boyfriend Rico, and I offered to do a tarot card reading for her (it's amazing how suddenly all these opportunities for me to get practice in keep showing up one after the other). She said yes she needed one, so I went online to Aeclectic Tarot to find a spread that suited her situation and I found one called the Clarifying Love Spread. This is what I used to give the following reading. If you'll notice, I also am not using my usual Witches Tarot deck; instead I am using the traditional Rider-Waite deck. Some of my thoughts on this reading: I found this a little more difficult to do than all my previous readings. Like it was a lot harder for me to be able to interpret the message of the cards and apply it to her situation. Maybe it's because I'm using a new deck? I don't know. Or maybe I just need more practice so I can get to the point where I know what each card means/represents by heart and I don't have to look at the books anymore.... I'll get there.... Someday. So anyway, on to the reading:
[17:36:27] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
ok so what is your question?
[17:37:24] Sharmaine says:
idk.. so many are going through my mind.. ughhh.. like I wonder if it'll fall apart or if he still feels the same way for me.. cuz I know these thoughts could also just be me being too emotional cuz of PMS. it happens a lot believe me
[17:44:01] Sharmaine joins conversation
[17:44:18] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
so i have laid your cards out, you can relax now. i will get into the reading here in a bit
[17:44:28] Sharmaine says:
[17:48:22] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
Ok so i'm getting that at the moment you are kind of feeling like the unappreciated mother who gives and shares her abundance of wealth but doesn't feel loved in return
[17:48:43] Sharmaine says:
mother? uhh.. yeah ok pretty much
[17:52:02] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
And now this whole conflict is crossing you and you need to take a stand in it all. You must believe in your position and yourself. Ask yourself if it's worth the struggle. Is it important? Does it have value to you? If it is, then keep on fighting, and stand your ground firmly. Your strength of character will see you through.
[17:52:59] Sharmaine says:
so basically.. I can't give into the whole long distance relationship..
[17:53:14] Sharmaine says:
meaning I can't give up on the relationship cuz of the distance..
[17:54:14] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
where he stands in the relationship, he is the child or young at heart adult whose interactions with you involve emotional needs, moodiness, love, and intimacy. He is an evenue for you to be able to express your true love and intimacy
[17:57:47] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
what's crossing him is that he hasn't yet fully mastered his emotions, and he needs to be able to hold in his anger when it comes to you. at the moment he is determined to succeed without letting things distract him
[17:57:58] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
maybe there is something at work that requires his full attention?
[17:59:36] Sharmaine says:
more like gets all his attention.. he works from 9-6 he has to get up at 6am for PT for 2 hours. then he 1 hour to get ready for work. That's when he texts me for his good morning and tells me he loves me. But after work.. he just goes straight to sleep. He barely texts me after work if I'm lucky I'll get an "i love you" once from him but it hardly ever happens
[18:00:03] Sharmaine says:
(oops meant the same thing. Stupid me)
[18:01:38] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
so you know deep inside that and end to hostility is possible. You know that a time of joy will come soon enough but you need to work hard to restore the harmony in your relationship. This is the time for greater closeness.
[18:07:30] Sharmaine says:
long distance relationships are hard. I knew that before I got into it. and I know I can't let the distance get to me.. but sometimes you just want some time with them you know? and its hard when you put time for them and they can't or don't have time for you
[18:08:30] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
He thinks that something is coming to an end.... whether it be something at work or something with you two, he thinks that it may be time to conclude whatever he has been doing and move on to something new. But remember that you have the power within you to fight for it as long as your feet stay firmly planted in the ground and you make things work for you two
[18:09:26] Sharmaine says:
ok.. now you're scaring me.. :(
[18:10:17] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
No like I told you with your card earlier, if you truly belive inyour heart that this is worth keepnig up the good fight, you can carry yourself through this conflict in your life and make it work for you
[18:10:38] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
as long as you stay firmly resolved to make things work out, it can and will happen
[18:12:33] Sharmaine says:
yeah.. sometimes I feel like giving up.. like it's sucking the life out of me sometimes.. and with PMS it's worse you know? On ordinary days I won't let it get to me. But PMS? It's like 2 weeks for me and I get so emotional and stressed out with the relationships.. it's always when I'm on PMS we have fights. bad fights like we say things we don't mean.
[18:14:05] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
so what i'm getting for your advice card is a message concerned with permanence. Change is an unavoidable part of life, but constant change is very uncomfortable. You need to concentrate on the long term and work towards a lasting solution. Settle down and make arrangements that will work for you far into the future
[18:15:10] Sharmaine says:
sounds about right.. but.. I can't plan ahead until Rico gets out of the Army next summer.
[18:15:21] Sharmaine says:
that's IF he gets out
[18:15:58] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
for his advice card i'm getting that he feels lost and is wandering aimlessly.... he fears that he might lose and lacks the courage to continue on.... he needs to find his way back to the path and you can help him
[18:17:22] Sharmaine says:
i think he feels sometimes that I'm going to give up on him. to give up on the relationship.. he always tells me "please don't break my heart"
[18:18:51] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
how your energies flow together..... something has changed, usually change is gradual but this was a sudden change and it didn't leave you two enough time to adapt
[18:19:47] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
something's wrong, and you're not responding properly to it. Maybe you're too full of pride, or you're holding back too much anger.... just remember that the disruption occured because it was needed
[18:20:05] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
just try to find the positive in the situation for the moment
[18:25:57] Sharmaine leaves conversation
[18:34:07] Sharmaine joins conversation
[18:34:07] Sharmaine says:
ok I'm back
[18:34:14] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
The otucome for you is that you will be surrounded in an atmosphere of honest, direct communication. you will face the truth and avoid lies and deception and you will get to the heart of the matter.
[18:35:48] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
His outcome is that of challenges. this whole situation is here for him to learn and discover truths from. it is an opportunity for growth disguised as a problem.
[18:36:22] Sharmaine says:
yeah.. I think I'll agree on that
[18:37:58] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
result as a couple is that there is an atmosphere of cheerful and confident enthusiasm. it is very optimistic and upbeat, things are looking good for you two if you follow this course
[18:41:14] Sharmaine says:
yeah.. I understand.. I think I'm just too clingy
[18:41:44] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
[18:41:55] Fun new adventures have just presented themselves to me. says:
how was the reading?? did it make sense?
[18:42:31] Sharmaine says:
[18:44:15] Sharmaine says:
Rico actually takes care of me a lot of times.. makes sure I get enough sleep. but it's vice versa I do the same were kinda equal. It's just that I got so much time on my hands and he doesn't. and I feel like he doesn't try to have time for me
So there you go, that was my reading for Sharmaine today. What do you think? I was probably off, huh? What are your thoughts on this reading? Let me know! I'd love to hear suggestions on how I can get better at it and make my readings feel much smoother.