Monday, November 9, 2009

Self reading using the Moving Spread

So I found this awesome spread on Aeclectic Tarot for insight into making big moves, and I thought that it was a perfect chance for me to get some insight into this big move of mine from Bremerton, WA to San Diego, CA. I'll post the spread sheet that I made on photoshop here along with the picture of the actual reading spread. I am also using a brand new deck that I bought just the other day, the Dragon Tarot , which I find to be beautiful and full of inspiring images that can help the intuitive process in tarot readings...


the-moving-spread.jpg IMG_0308  


1. Page of Swords - This tells me that I was feeling somewhat "trapped" back in Washington, and my need to regain my freedom has allowed me to accept this move that was caused by circumstances beyond my control.

2. 20 Judgement - This tells me that I have learned that life is all about transformation, and that each big move in life brings on a new transformation and new lessons to learn.

3. Queen of Cups - This reminds me of how I felt about things before I made my move down here; how emotional I was about everything and how sad I was about having to move.

4. Two of Coins - This tells me that I will be in the same line of work, but I will be moving on to a different place (which is definitely the case here).

5. Six of Swords - This tells me that I will learn to accept this big move because it will take me away from a lot of negativity in my life (which happens to also be very true, as my time on the Stennis resulted in a lot of bad memories and experiences which has led to so much negativity towards my being in the Navy)

6. Page of Coins - This describes exactly how I feel about the whole situation; I have been wanting to cross rate into something else (take on a new job in the Navy) because my job is just too dull and unenjoyable for me.... and I have also been wanting to take on more responsibility by getting promoted (which will hopefully happen this month).

7. 12 The Hanging Dragon - This tells me that I worry that I will spend too much time here doing nothing; that there will be a lot of idle time and it will be a while before I get new orders to a new command (which is, in fact, something that I worry about often since I moved down here)

8. Six of Cups - The meaning behind this card showing up in this position is far too personal for me to fully explain on this blog.... However I will say this; I do indeed have many lessons about sharing, giving, and receiving to learn so that this situation doesn't end up happening to someone else.

9. Ace of Coins - This card tells me that this move does not come without its benefits. A new doorway is opening up in my work life, and this to me means that I will get to start anew at a new command and hopefully do a lot better than I did at my last command.


All in all, this reading was very accurate for me and I am very pleased with the results. The tarot just keeps on bringing me new surprises every day and I am finally starting to learn some of the cards.... I just need to keep this up and hopefully soon I won't need to look in a book for reference any more ;)

So what do you think of my reading? All comments are welcome and greatly appreciated!

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