Friday, February 24, 2012

Weird Dream.

I was with this guy who was my best friend in the dream (I don't actually know him in real life), and we were with these 3 other guys and 2 girls. We were in this hotel and a lot of things were happening. The part I remember is that my best friend was like going out with one of the girls, but then they had some sort of disagreement so they went their separate ways for a while, and during that time the other girl swooped in and tried to go out with my best friend, but he wasn't having it. So the first girl was up in her hotel room, and the second girl left. Me and the guys were walking around the place and we got to the actual hotel grounds and discovered that there was this alien artifact thing in the middle of the field that would freeze anyone who touched it if they didn't know how to control it. One of our friends knew how to control it, and there was this huge alien thing about to chase after us so we were running around trying to avoid it while at the same time trying to grab the artifact. Eventually our friend grabbed the artifact and threw it away from us, in the direction of the alien thing. It got distracted by it and touched it, which caused it to start freezing. As it was freezing, we all ran into the hotel building and went into the elevator.

As we were going up the elevator, I checked my Facebook and saw that my sister had uploaded a bunch of new pics from the party that she was at. A lot of them were the kind of pictures a big brother never wants to see coming from his little sister, so I just put my phone away. When we got up to the girl's room, she joined us and we were going back down the elevator and talking about a bunch of stuff, and she said something about not wanting to go out with my best friend for now, so that he could spend more time with his REAL girlfriend, and she was referring to me. He and I were objecting to it but she kept joking around about it and eventually our friends all joined her. And then I woke up.



  1. Haha, weird indeed! But I do love weird dreams now and again! I work for anew social blogging site called, and was just wondering if you would be interested in sharing your posts there with us? It wouldn't affect your blog or anything, and I know our community would enjoy reading through your work here. Let me know what you think!

    All the best,


  2. Yes it is definitely weird but do you believe in metaphysics? Is new thought metaphysics real? You should ask it on yourself and try to think about it carefully and you will know that this dream of yours has something to do with you and your personality.
